Our Favorite Shops and Signs this Month

Angels Sing Golden Arches
Angels Sing Golden Arches?
People who have tried it say the
Big Mac is safe!!

Rice Ad Valentine Twist
So man can live by rice alone!! A nice twist for Valentine's Day

The Runner-ups
Elephant Ointmant Blessed Olive Oil
Elephant Ointment
Do you think this name would work
in the US? Who would use it!!
Lordy the Blessed Olive Oil
(For heavenly cooking!)

And the Winner is...

Chop Bar Ad
Laam Nava Chop Bar
A chop bar is a local cafe. They are all over.
The graphic is fufu (yams and/or plantains) pounding.
Banku is similar, but made from corn.
Omu Tuo is soft pounded rice (mochi in Japan).

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